Do you know Sylvester Stallone and the movie Rocky? But do you know how the film and actor got their start? The heartbreaking tale has a well-known happy ending (Stallone is a famous actor, producer, and director now of course) but the story is an important one.
In the face of adversity, Stallone worked past some tough things that would normally stand in the way of just about anyone. Partial paralysis, slurred speech, and more. So I thought I’d share it with the Edudemic readers in hopes that it inspires you to face adversity head-on and work your tail off until you achieve your dreams.

Sylvester Stallone was a difficult birth, yanked from his mother's womb by a doctor's forceps that severed a facial nerve. As a result, the lower left side of his face is paralyzed, including parts of his lip, tongue, and chin, an accident which has given Stallone his trademark snarling look and slightly slurred speech
He was born paralyzed in the lower part of his face and that is why he has a unique expression.
When he came to New York city to be a n actor, nobody wanted to hire him. At one point, he went three weeks sleeping at The New Jersey Bus Terminal since he was broke. Things got so bad that he had to sell his loyal companion, his dog, to a stranger for $25 because he didn't want it to starve. Then one day, at age 29, he got an idea for a screen play while watching Muhammad Ali box. He didn't sleep the whole weekend, and banged out the script for ROCKY in three days with only $109 in is bank account. Eventually, he found a producers, who offered him $125,000 for the movie. But there was a string attached; he won't act in the movie. He turned the offer down and walked away. Weeks later, they offered him $325,000 but he still said no and later took $35,000 for him to act in the movie. Out of the money he was paid, he spent $15,000 to get his dog back. He bought back his dog for $15,000 from the initial $25 for which he sold it. ROCKY made $200 million.