Thursday 17 July 2014


ROMANIAN witches who have long thirsted for government recognition are getting the type of deal they never imagined â€' they are to pay tax from this month. The law says so.
Anger has greeted the law and witches are threatening to bring misfortune on government and its officials. They carried out rituals at certain rivers to make government change its mind. Alternatively, enough misfortune will visit those in government that they will patronise the witches more.
The Romanian government is dragging more people into its tax net as it grapples with the economy. Witches are in great demand in the country of 21.5 million people with a rich culture of consulting witches and fortune tellers on all matters.
Professionals like witches, astrologers and fortune tellers were not in the country's labour code. They did not pay income tax. Under a new law, they will pay 16 per cent income tax and contribute to health and pension programmes, as self-employed people.
Witches who argue against the tax say they earn too little to pay tax. The average consultation fee, reports say, is $10 (about N1, 500).
Their battle for official status succeeded in April 2006 when 31-year-old Gabriela Ciucur became the country's first legal witch, after she registered a company dealing with 'astrology and contacts with the spiritual world'.
However, in February 2007, Elena Simionescu was relieved of her position as president of the court in Vatra Dornei, a small town in eastern Romania after being accused of casting spells on court staff, judges and prosecutors.
President Traian Basescu and his aides reportedly wear purple on certain days to ward off evil. Mircea Geoana, who lost the presidential race to Basescu in 2009, performed poorly during a crucial debate, and his camp blamed attacks of negative energy by Basescu's aides. Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife, Elena, had their own personal witch.
'We do harm to those who harm us,' Bratara Buzea, 63, a witch, said. 'They want to take the country out of this crisis using us? They should get us out of the crisis because they brought us into it.'
'This law is foolish. What is there to tax, when we hardly earn anything?' a witch named Alisia said. 'The lawmakers don't look at themselves, at how much they make, their tricks; they steal and they come to us asking us to put spells on their enemies.'
Our concern in all these is the great extents serious governments go in sourcing revenue to service their economies. Tax is too important in those countries to exclude anyone who earns an income.
In Nigeria , a large part of the population does not pay income tax. Governments are too busy scrambling over crude oil money to consider the place of taxes in the economy.
Can government tax everyone, including witches? When government taxes witches, fear of their attacks may ensure accountability in using the money and save us some of the complaints about abuses of public resources.

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