Friday 14 December 2012

12/12/12 WHAT ABOUT IT?

Does 12/12/12 date have magical luck attached to it? Well, thousands of couples in Asia flocked Wednesday to tie the knot on 12/12/12, seeking good fortune for marriages begun on the century´s last repeating date. Also , by the magic of numbers, a Norwegian boy celebrated a very special occasion , his 12th birthday was on December 12. The boy Joergen Svendsen Killi, was born o December 12 , 2000 at 12:12 p.m, according to his birth certificate.

However, after this date, the next time the same digit will appear in the date, month and year in the same order will be in more than 88 years -on January 1, 2101    

Newlywed couples pose for a group picture during a mass wedding ceremony in conjunction with the date 12.12.12 at a Chinese temple in Kuala Lumpur on December 12, 2012. 
 Authorities in Hong Kong and Singapore respectively said 696 and 540 couples were scheduled to attend marriage registries, continuing a trend which has seen couples flocking to marry on 11/11/11 and 10/10/10 in both cities. Report also indicated that the figure is a near-fourfold increase compared to the daily average in the self-governing Chinese city of Hong Kong, and about an eightfold spike for non-Muslim weddings in Singapore, which is three-quarters ethnic Chinese.Couples also queued to marry in many mainland Chinese cities, on the basis that 12/12/12 sounded like "Will love/will love/will love" in Chinese, the official news agency Xinhua reported. Hong Kong saw 1002 weddings on November 11, 2011 which signified "Eternal love" and 859 weddings in October 10, 2010 which represented  "Perfection". Singapore had 553 ad 724 marriages respectively on the same dates. The Malaysian capital, Kuala Lumpur saw 289 couples taking part in a mass wedding at the Thean Hou Chinese temple. The national registration department  said another 306 couples were married at two of its offices  near the capital, three times the normal number.

In several Indonesian cities, mothers gave birth early by Caesarian section so their offspring could have a lucky birthdate.

One couple in India were able to celebrate an even rarer set of special dates, having got engaged on 10/10/10, held their registered legal marriage on 11/11/11 and finally had a big  white wedding in Mumbai on 12/12/12

So what do you think?

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