Thursday 25 October 2012


The Williams Sisters Live in Lagos
The attention of the world would literally shift to Lagos, Nigeria from Tuesday, October 30, to Friday, November 2, 2012 as the international tennis champions, Serena and Venus Williams visit Nigeria’s economic capital as part of a planned two-nation African Tour for this year. The Lagos visit is the Nigerian leg of the African tour by the Williams sisters and Connect Marketing is responsible for bringing the famous Williams Sisters to the shores of Nigeria for the first time under the “BTM” initiative . Lagos in Nigeria and Johannesburg in South Africa are the two preferred choices of the world’s celebrated ‘Queens of tennis’ for their tour of Africa.
 The coming of Serena and Venus to the Centre of Excellence is arguably another milestone due to the fact that the trip would provide them an opportunity to meet with women, young people and other cadres through the ‘Breaking The Mould’ campaign, a women’s empowerment initiative that was recently launched as a platform to inspire, motivate and empower the womenfolk so that they can achieve whatever they set their heart to achieve.
The choice of Lagos is symbolic in many ways. Apart from being Nigeria’s former political capital, it is the melting point for all socio-economic classes in the country and a home to over 250 ethnic groups. The unity-in-diversity advantage and strength in homogeneity, which are characteristic of Nigeria’s geographic make-up, are easily expressed in Lagos as the self-imposed barriers that are peculiar in other climes easily melt in the megacity-state. Aside, Lagos occupies a prime position as the second fastest growing city in Africa and the seventh in the world. The state also boasts the busiest air and sea ports in the West African sub region. Lagos, to a vast majority of people, is the land of opportunities and endless possibilities or what has become an epithet, Eko for show!
Thus, the planned visit of the Williams sisters is one big plus to the country. One of the immediate benefits is the improvement in Nigeria’s low reputation which has been tainted by the current challenges that we are facing. If one goes by the daily incidents of suicide bombing, flooding, armed robbery and corruption of the political leadership, one is bound to lose hope. But, with the visit of these international champions, there is an encouragement and a ray of hope that things will get better. I see this visit in itself as a breaking of the mould of pessimism that has beclouded the minds of millions of Nigerians.
In another light, the visit would impact the tourism potential of Lagos as a destination for business and leisure. Williams sisters’ visit is a demonstration to international tourists and foreign investors, who are pessimistic about coming to Nigeria that, despite all the negative media reports this country is still a safe place to visit and do business.
Their engagement sessions which will include a tennis clinic, exhibition match and a gala award night will also serve to dismantle other moulds. For instance, they will help women to overcome the negative mentality that women are second-rate citizens; that the girl-child does not deserve the best in life. It is also important to note that the inspiration from the Williams will help to enlighten Nigerians that education is essential although it does not solely determine success. Many will also discover that greatness is possible in a place like Nigeria while they will teach those virtues that make success attainable.

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