Monday 18 June 2012


Yookos is an African social networking site. It commenced on January 1, 2011 and went commercial 6 months ago said  by Mr Tomisin Fashino, the group CEO of in an interview recently. He said  we identified  an opportunity to create a unique cosmological social networking platform that will bring  our people together-those living in the African continent and others in Diaspora. We have discovered that some parts or continent s of the world have developed networking infrastructure  that promote  their infrastructure that promote their interest s, values and ideas. For instance, Brazil today has its special site, even China has two to three. so we believe that there is an opportunity to have something that is uniquely African and that is the opportunity Yookos is ceasing.

 We launched Yookos to enable bridge a perennial digital divide that has plagued Africa and to bring Africa to the mainstream of global communications. In Africa today, there is about a billion people, out of this number, only about 140 million access to the internet. That figure represent 14 percent. The global average is 32 percent. It means that there is a significant digital divide that seats in Africa. Before the advent of mobile telephone in Nigeria, only about a hundred thousand people had access to internet- that figure has risen to over 45 million. Then you can imagine that phenomenal growth in a period of 12 years, because the revolution started in 2000. And we thought that to bridge the divide and even bring Africa to the global average, it means that we need about 250 million Africans to have access to the internet

Africa is diversifying to mobile. For instance, we presently see more of i pads, Android, Blackberry and other smartphones and I read in an article on a business magazine that Nigeria is now the biggest market for Blackberry world wide.Yookos has identified that as a significant niche and we have launched our apps on IOS devices , that is ipads, iphones, Android, tablets and of course Blackberry. When going for business trips, all i need is my ipad- the laptop is becoming increasingly no longer fashionable. With the advent of smaller devices, you will discover that they can actually do virtually all that alaptop can do. The smaller it becomes the more covenientand availabe it becomes.

We seek, in few years to dominate Africa. We are going to a point where if someone needs profile about anything African, he or she should be able to find that on yookos. We are getting to a point that yookos becomes the tool of communication in Africa. We want everyone to embrace it as a truly African. We are not just selling Africa to Africa, but we want Africans to appreciate the digital age. For instance, Facebook is making impact in parts of the world today because they throw it open for apps to be written, we are doing the same.Interestingly, undergraduates in Africa will have better stories to tell, because we are taking the platform to universities in Africa.     

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