Friday 13 September 2013


The CataCoffin packs a CataCombo Sound System
A Swedish company is now offering a coffin called the CataCombo, which provides a sound system that will — "Heaven Help Us All" — keep you "Dancing in the Dark."
Unfortunately, you are going to need more than "Pennies from Heaven" to purchase one of these rocking units, as the base cost is $30,000 and is payable in advance for obvious reasons.
Pricey, to be sure, but as the company's promotional material promises: "Expect nothing less than godlike comfort and heavenly sound from the CataCoffin."
The "CataCombo Sound System" has three main components:
First there is the audio feature within the coffin itself. According to the maker it includes two-way speakers, "divine" tweeters, and an 8-inch subwoofer that has been "tuned to the coffin's unique internal space."
In terms of music selection, a CataCoffin occupant can listen to selections from the commercial music-streaming service Spotify. The on-online application also allows friends and loved ones to contribute music to your playlist after you are gone.
Technically, this is all accomplished through a 4G connection (upgradeable, of course,) embedded right in the tombstone.
A really nice feature is the 7-inch LCD display on the front of the tombstone, which allows visitors to see what song you are listening to at the moment.
Although the promotional material doesn't say, you have to think the system comes with a remote that would include such controls as base, forward, repeat and volume (in case the neighbor's complain).
I don't know. While I like what the CataCombo has to offer, for me, personally, I think I'd rather have cable, maybe with a sports and movie package. I mean, if the technology exists to have a fairly complex sound system in your coffin, how hard would it be to mount a small flat screen TV connected to a satellite dish sitting atop the gravestone?

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