Tuesday 14 August 2012


Yohan Blake's wrist got more attention from the International Olympic Commitee than Usain Bolt's entire body, thanks to something Blake wore during the 100 final: a custom $500,000 watch made by designer Richard Mille

As reported by TNT magazine, the watchis a customised sports watch in the green and yellow colours of the Jamaican flag. Officially, the timepeice is called a Richard Mille Tourbillion watch, and the one of a kind piece of functional jewellery was designed specifically for Blake to wear at the games.

Blake followed through on his part of the bargain, wearing the watch during the semi-finals and finalsof the 100m dash, an event in which he finished second behind countryman and world record holder Bolt.

These has infuriated IOC officials who have strict regulations about what athletes are allowed to wear while competing at the games.According to sponsorship regulations, olympic athletes are only allowed to wear gear that is part of their country's  apparel. Similarly, if athletes want to use a piece of equipmentthat isn't strictly clothing, they are required to use the official sponsor of the olympics in that category. Omega  is the official watch maker of the olympic games.

It's is worth noting that this isn't the first time Mille has sponsored a major athlete at a significant event. In june, Rafael Nadal wore a $525,000 Mille Tourbillion watch during a match at the French open. American golfer Bubba watson also wore a $525,000 Tourbillion watch during a US PGA event

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