Friday 2 December 2011


Star: Despite his acquittal of child molestation in 2005, Jackson 
went into seclusion, leaving his lavish manor Neverland Ranch and moving
 to the Middle East and Las Vegas, where he first met Murray
Speaking to KTLA, she said: 'Four years is not enough for someone's life. It won't bring him back but at least he got the maximum. I thought the judge was very, very fair and I thank him.'
She continued: 'Four years won't bring my son back, but that's the law. So the judge gave him the maximum, so I thank the judge and I thank the prosecutors and I think everything went well.'
Jermaine Jackson, who was by his mother's side as the family exited, echoed her remarks to waiting reporters.

'One hundred years is not enough,' he said.
Nicole Alvarez, Murray's girlfriend and mother of his son, disagreed. She told TMZ that Judge Michael Pastor's decision to give him the maximum sentence was 'ridiculous,' especially since the judge said Murray didn't show any remorse.
Ms Alvarez said that Murray has been 'mournful for the past two years.'
Murray, 58, was jailed today for ending the life and career of one of pop music's greatest entertainers.
Judge Pastor and prosecutors called Conrad Murray a 'danger to the community', slamming Murray for playing 'Russian roulette' with the singer and using him as an 'experiment'.
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department spokesman Steve Whitmore told CBS News Murray's sentence is automatically reduced to two years under Assembly Bill 109.
Murray, however, will be required to serve all of his halved sentence, minus 47 days he has already served, he said.
Murray did not openly react as he was sentenced after the trial, which has given the most detailed account yet of Jackson's final hours.

'Dr Murray engaged in a recurring, continuous pattern of deceit and lies,' the judge said. 'Dr Murray abandoned his patient,' he added, saying Murray showed ‘absolutely no sense of remorse’.
'Dr Murray created a set of circumstances and became involved in a cycle of horrible medicine.
'The practice of propofol for medicine madness, which violated his sworn obligation, for money, fame prestige and whatever else may have occurred.'
Judge Pastor said one of the most disturbing aspects of the Grenada-born physician's case was a slurred recording of Jackson from the doctor's mobile phone.

'That tape recording was Dr. Murray's insurance policy,' Judge Pastor said. 'It was designed to record his patient surreptitiously at that patient's most vulnerable point.'
Murray blew a kiss to his family and supports as he was led out of court. The judge said his botched treatment of the star was ‘an insult to the medical profession’ and a ‘horrific violation of trust'.
'This crime occurred on June 25, 2009 but we know that the defendant was playing Russian roulette with Michael Jackson’s life every single night (for two months),' David Walgren, prosecuting, said.
Jackson's three children - Prince, Paris and Blanket - said they lost their 'father, best friend and playmate'.
The children were not in the courtroom and their statement was read by lawyer and family friend Brian Panish ahead of the sentencing. He stressed they were not seeking 'revenge'.
The trial left questions about Murray's treatment of the star with an operating-room anaesthetic as he battled chronic insomnia.

Defence lawyers were pushing for probation for the cardiologist in Los Angeles, saying he will lose his ability to practice medicine and likely face a lifetime of ostracism.
The singer's mother Katherine and several siblings routinely attended the trial, and members of the family cried after Murray's verdict was read in court. It followed Jackson's tragic death in June 2009.
Murray told detectives he had been giving the singer nightly doses of propofol to help him sleep as he prepared for a series of comeback concerts.
Propofol is supposed to be used in hospitals and has never been approved for sleep treatments, yet Murray acknowledged giving it to Jackson then leaving the room on the day the singer died.

Murray declined to testify in his trial but was in a documentary in which he said he didn't consider himself guilty of any crime and blamed Jackson for entrapping him into administering the propofol.

Judge Pastor was enraged by Murray saying he felt betrayed by Jackson. ‘Yipes,’ he said. ‘Talk about blaming the victim. Not only is there no remorse, there is outrage and umbrage from Dr Murray.'

But although the judge imposed the maximum sentence, Murray may serve less than two years behind bars because of jail overcrowding in California.

Judge Pastor said he took 35 letters of support from Murray’s family and friends into consideration. But he showed no mercy to the doctor, who sat stone-faced throughout the hearing in a grey suit and patterned purple tie.
‘There are those who feel that Dr Murray is a saint and there are those who feel that Dr Murray is the devil,’ Judge Pastor said. ‘He is neither, he is a human being who stands convicted of causing the death of another human being.
His attorneys contended throughout the case that Jackson must have given himself the fatal dose when Murray left the singer's bedside.

Prosecutors cited Murray's statements to advocate that he receive the maximum term. They also want him to pay restitution to the singer's three children.
It's unlikely that Murray can pay any sizeable sum, including the $1.8million cost of his funeral.

He was deeply in debt when he agreed to serve as Jackson's personal physician for $150,000 a month and the singer died before Murray received any money.
A prosecution demand for Murray to be fined $100million to pay restitution to the children for the projected earnings of his 50 lost O2 Arena concerts was delayed for another hearing on January 23.
During Murray's trial, a jury heard a slurred recording of Jackson found on Murray's mobile phone.
The doctor or his attorneys never explained in court why he recorded the impaired singer six weeks before his death.
But it did reveal the ambition of the entertainer who burst on the scene as a baby-faced member of the Jackson Five in the 1970s.

Jackson's comeback attempt came after he had been pushed into obscurity.
Despite his acquittal of child molestation in 2005, Jackson went into seclusion, leaving his lavish manor Neverland Ranch and moving to the Middle East and Las Vegas, where he first met Murray.
Murray showed no emotion when he was convicted. Prosecutors said the men's relationship was corrupted by greed.
He left his practices to serve as Jackson's doctor and look out for his well-being, but instead allegedly acted as an employee catering to the singer's desire to receive propofol for sleep.

‘The defendant has displayed a complete lack of remorse for causing Michael Jackson's death,’ prosecutors wrote in a filing last week.

‘Even worse than failing to accept even the slightest level of responsibility, (Murray) has placed blame on everyone else, including the one person no longer here to defend himself, Michael Jackson.’
Murray's attorneys were relying largely on 34 letters from relatives, friends and former patients to portray Murray in a softer light and win a lighter sentence.
The letters and defence filings describe Murray's compassion as a doctor, including accepting lower payments from his mostly poor patients.

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