Wednesday 4 March 2015


Only very few at her age achieve remarkable feat. Saheela Ibraheem has brought herself global scene. She engraved her name on the rock of history when on Thursday, February 26, was honoured with an official  reception in the White House by the US President, Barack Obama and the First Lady, Michelle.
She has been recognized as one of the World’s 50 smartest teenagers in 2015. Ibraheem speaks 4 languages and is currently studying Neurobiology in Harvard University. She was also accepted for admission by 13 other top colleges in the United States, including the MIT, Princeton, Columbia, and six Ivy League institutions, choosing Harvard, she became one of the youngest students, at the age of 15, to ever attend the university. She will be graduating in May this year.
After an introductory message by Ibraheem in the White House, President Obama stated that “there are a lot of teenagers in the world. Saheela is like one of the 50 smartest ones. That’s pretty smart. And she’s a wonderful young lady. She’s like the State Department and the National Institute of Health all rolled into one. And we are so proud of your accomplishments and all that lies ahead of you. And you reflect our history. Young people like you inspire our future.”
Saheela Ibraheem said passion was her major drive. “If you are passionate about what you do, and I am passionate about most of these things, especially with math and science, it will work out well,” she said.
Ibraheem’s recognition and reception was part of the “Black History Month” celebration in the US, which comes up in February.

Here’s a bit of what The Best Schools website had to say about the teenager,
At just 15 years old, Saheela Ibraheem was accepted into Harvard University, which makes her among the youngest students ever to attend that school. But that’s not the most impressive part, Saheela was accepted at 12 other colleges, including MIT, the University of Pennsylvania, Cornell, Brown, Princeton, Columbia, and the University of Chicago.
Saheela’s Nigerian parents, totally supportive of the young scholar, sometimes taught her subjects the schools didn’t offer.
Saheela believes the key to success is knowing what you love to learn as early as possible, a knowledge she says she came to at age five. “If you are passionate about what you do, and I am passionate about many things, especially math and science, it will work out well.” The teen is also interested in languages, and knows Yoruba, Arabic, Spanish, and Latin, in addition to English.
As for her own brain, Saheela claims she is nothing special. “I try my best in everything I do,” Saheela said. “Anyone who’s motivated can work wonders.”
The ranking was done by

Wednesday 11 February 2015


Meet Kelvin Olusola, on Sunday night at the music industry’s biggest night the Grammys he picked up an award alongside his group Pentatonix – 5 person acapella group. They took home the award in the Arrangement, Instrumental Or A Cappella category for their medley ”Daft Punk, a remake of Daft Punk’s “Get Lucky

Kelvin Olusola who is a beatboxer, was born in the United States to Nigeria born Oluwole Olusola, a psychiatrist, and his Grenadian-born wife Curline Paul, a nurse.
Kelvin is not just a musician, he’s smart too! The 26 year old is a graduate of prestigious Ivy League college, Yale University from where he graduated in 2011 with a degree in East Asian Studies. By the way he was also accepted to other Ivy League unis: was also accepted at Princeton University, Stanford University, University of Pennsylvania, and Brown University.
And that’s not all! He also plays the cello, piano and saxophone. In addition to all these he speaks fluent Chinese & Spanish.  

Tuesday 9 December 2014


A millionaire Chinese businessman has bulldozed the wooden huts and muddy roads where he grew up - and built luxury homes for the people who lived there.
Xiong Shuihua was born in Xiongkeng village in the city of Xinyu, southern China and said that his family had always been well looked after and supported by residents in his childhood.
So when the 54-year-old ended up making millions in the steel industry he decided to repay the favour - for free.
A millionaire Chinese businessman has bulldozed the wooden huts and muddy roads where he grew up - and built luxury homes for the people who lived there
After making his millions, the business tycoon decided to return to the village and give everybody a place of their own to live
The 54-year-old even promised three meals a day to the older residents and people on a low income to make sure they could get by
The 54-year-old even promised three meals a day to the older residents and people on a low income to make sure they could get by
The business tycoon decided to return to the village and give everybody a place of their own to live.
Five years ago, the area was run down and many lived in basic homes.
But the area has been transformed in recent years and now 72 families are enjoying life in luxury new flats.
Meanwhile, 18 families, who were particularly kind to the businessman, were given villas of their own in a project costing close to £4million.
After moving in, he even promised three meals a day to the older residents and people on a low income to make sure they could get by.

A further 18 families, who were particularly kind to the businessman, were given villas of their own in a project costing close to £4million

The multimillionaire made his money first of all in the construction industry and later by getting involved in the steel trade.
He said: 'I earned more money than I knew what to do with, and I didn't want to forget my roots. 
'I always pay my debts, and wanted to make sure the people who helped me when I was younger and my family were paid back.'
Elderly local Qiong Chu, 75, said: 'I remember his parents. They were kind-hearted people who cared very much for others, and it's great that their son has inherited that kindness.'

 “I remember his parents, they were very good people which took care for the others. I’m glad his son inherited their kindness.”, says Xong Chu, resident of the village.

Wednesday 12 November 2014



A referee has set a record by whipping out a staggering 36 red cards in a single game.
Argentinian official Damian Rubino sent off all 22 players - as well as the substitutes, team coaches and technical staff in the chaotic game last Tuesday.

The tense game between rival teams Claypole and Victoriano Arenas in the Argentine fifth division started messily with players pushing and shoving.
By the start of the second half, two players had already been dismissed, including one for bad behaviour during the interval.

With Claypole winning 2-0, tempers flared and players began lunging in to tackles and squaring up to each other.

A mass brawl erupted that saw managers and coaches race on to the pitch with their fists flying.
Before long, spectators had even joined in with one jumping over barriers in the stand and elbowing an unsuspecting player in the face.
The shaken boss of one of the teams told how he begged police to lock raging opposition players in their dressing room.

Victoriano Arenas manager Domingo Sganga said: 'They wanted to kill me'.
Opposition coach Sergio Micielli accused the referee of over-reacting to the brawl in Buenos Aires
'Most players were trying to separate people. The ref was confused,' he said.
Referee Rubino filled out his match report in which he stated that 36 people had all been served with red cards for their part in the chaos.
But the local Football Association is reportedly discussing overruling Rubino's red cards, claiming that 'it sets a dangerous precedent moving forward'.
The previous world record for the number of red cards  was held by a 1993 game in Paraguay in which 20 players were dismissed.

Wednesday 3 September 2014


Mike Newman, a motor racer has broken the land speed record for a blind individual by racing to incredible speeds of 200.9-mph.
The blind motor racer was driving in an attempt to raise awareness for a charity he runs for the visually impaired called Speed of Sight.
 200mph may not sound incredibly fast but Newman officially broke the world record for land speed completed by a blind person.
The 52-year-old Englishman began his attempt on an airplane runway, the car he used to break the record was a 1200 hp Nissan GT-R that was modified for the event by tuning house Litchfield Motors.
Now you must be wondering if Newman actually had any help in the car but he was alone in his attempt, he did have a car follow him which his father was in the passenger seat, Ian Litchfield was radioing him instructions during the course.
The car driven by Newman actually maxed out at around 204 mph, the speed to break the record was averaged out over two runs in opposite direction across a 200 meter stretch.
Breaking a speed record isn’t as easy as simply flooring it in a straight line, Litchfield explained to that there was little margin for error throughout the attempt.
Newman would have to ease up to 150 mph along the 1.9 mile track, he would have to line himself correctly, obviously with the help of his father and then accelerate to speeds of 200 mph to break the record.
Newman was actually the original owner of the record, previously stood at 186 mph.
Every attempt from the blind motor racer is another opportunity for him to raise awareness for the charity cause he races for, it is run for the visually impaired who are helped by Speed of Sight.

Thursday 17 July 2014


ROMANIAN witches who have long thirsted for government recognition are getting the type of deal they never imagined â€' they are to pay tax from this month. The law says so.
Anger has greeted the law and witches are threatening to bring misfortune on government and its officials. They carried out rituals at certain rivers to make government change its mind. Alternatively, enough misfortune will visit those in government that they will patronise the witches more.
The Romanian government is dragging more people into its tax net as it grapples with the economy. Witches are in great demand in the country of 21.5 million people with a rich culture of consulting witches and fortune tellers on all matters.
Professionals like witches, astrologers and fortune tellers were not in the country's labour code. They did not pay income tax. Under a new law, they will pay 16 per cent income tax and contribute to health and pension programmes, as self-employed people.
Witches who argue against the tax say they earn too little to pay tax. The average consultation fee, reports say, is $10 (about N1, 500).
Their battle for official status succeeded in April 2006 when 31-year-old Gabriela Ciucur became the country's first legal witch, after she registered a company dealing with 'astrology and contacts with the spiritual world'.
However, in February 2007, Elena Simionescu was relieved of her position as president of the court in Vatra Dornei, a small town in eastern Romania after being accused of casting spells on court staff, judges and prosecutors.
President Traian Basescu and his aides reportedly wear purple on certain days to ward off evil. Mircea Geoana, who lost the presidential race to Basescu in 2009, performed poorly during a crucial debate, and his camp blamed attacks of negative energy by Basescu's aides. Communist dictator Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife, Elena, had their own personal witch.
'We do harm to those who harm us,' Bratara Buzea, 63, a witch, said. 'They want to take the country out of this crisis using us? They should get us out of the crisis because they brought us into it.'
'This law is foolish. What is there to tax, when we hardly earn anything?' a witch named Alisia said. 'The lawmakers don't look at themselves, at how much they make, their tricks; they steal and they come to us asking us to put spells on their enemies.'
Our concern in all these is the great extents serious governments go in sourcing revenue to service their economies. Tax is too important in those countries to exclude anyone who earns an income.
In Nigeria , a large part of the population does not pay income tax. Governments are too busy scrambling over crude oil money to consider the place of taxes in the economy.
Can government tax everyone, including witches? When government taxes witches, fear of their attacks may ensure accountability in using the money and save us some of the complaints about abuses of public resources.


Malala Yousafzai, the Pakistani teenager who the Taliban tried to kill over her advocacy for girls’ education, celebrated her 17th birthday in Nigeria, renewing calls to bring back the schoolgirls kidnapped by Boko Haram in April.

Malala met President Goodluck Jonathan, who assured her he would rescue the 219 girls still held by Boko Haram. Many have fiercely criticized Jonathan for repeatedly stating his commitment to rescuing the girls — but then failing to actually act.

Malala also met with some of the families of the kidnapped schoolgirls and the organizers of the now viral #BringBackOurGirls campaign in Abuja, Nigeria’s capital.

The activist used her birthday to release a video to support her latest campaign, #StrongThan. “What are you stronger than?” the video asks. “Show it to the world on this #MalalaDay.”

On Twitter, Malala reiterated her support for all school children everywhere deprived of their right to education.

"10.5 million children in Nigeria do not have access to education. Around 400 girls are abducted by Boko Haram." -Malala
"7 million children in Pakistan are deprived of education. And about 900,000 people are homeless due to miliatry operations"
"Girls from Syria who were once in schools and learning, now live in a camp, and struggle to understand life in a new country as a refugee."
"Bc of conflict btwn Gaza and Israel people are badly suffering on both sides and recently many children died in air strikes on Palestine"

Aslew of leading politicians, NGOs, and celebrities shared their birthday wishes with Malala on Twitter and expressed their support using her favorite hashtags.


Malala Yousafzai , born 12 July 1997) is a Pakistani school pupil and education activist. She is known for her activism for rights to education and for women , especially in the Swat Valley, where the Taliban had at times banned girls from going to school. In early 2009, at the age of 11–12, Yousafzai wrote a blog under a pseudonym for the BBC detailing her life under Taliban rule, their attempts to take control of the valley, and her views on promoting education for 22 girls. The following summer, a New York Times documentary by journalist Adam B. Ellick was filmed about her life as the Pakistani military intervened in the region. Yousafzai rose in prominence, giving interviews in print and on television, and she was nominated for the International Children's Peace Prize by South African activist Desmond Tutu.
In the afternoon of Tuesday, 9 October 2012, Malala boarded her school bus in the northwest Pakistani district of Swat. A gunman asked for Malala by name, then pointed a Colt 45 at her and fired three shots. One bullet hit the left side of Malala's forehead, traveled under her skin the length of her face and then into her shoulder
In the days immediately following the attack, she remained unconscious and in critical condition, but later her condition improved enough for her to be sent to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital  in Birmingham, England, for intensive rehabilitation. On 12 October, a group of 50 Islamic clerics in Pakistan issued a  fatwa against those who tried to kill her, but the Taliban reiterated its intent to kill Yousafzai and her father.
The assassination attempt sparked a national and international outpouring of support for Yousafzai.United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education Gordon Brown launched a UN petition in Yousafzai's name, using the slogan "I am Malala" and demanding that all children worldwide be in school by the end of 2015 – a petition which helped lead to the ratification of Pakistan's first Right to Education Bill. In 29 April 2013 issue of Time magazine, Yousafzai was featured on the magazine's front cover and as one of " The 100 Most Influential People in the World". She was the winner of Pakistan's first National Youth Peace Prize .On 12 July 2013, Yousafzai spoke at the UN to call for worldwide access to education, and in September 2013 she officially opened the Library of Birmingham  Yousafzai is the recipient of the Sakharov Prize for 2013. On 16 October 2013 the Government of Canada  announced its intention that the Parliament of Canada  confer Honorary Canadian citizenship upon Yousafzai. In February 2014, she was nominated for the World Children's prize in Sweden. In April 2014 it was announced that Yousafzai will be granted an honorary degree by the University of  Kings College  in Halifax on May 15, 2014.
  She is probably the most famous teenager in the world.